Thursday, December 23, 2010

Exercise Bike

Excercise Bike, originally uploaded by swatihawaldar.

Here is a quick sketch of the exercise bike in our house which is hardly used. The kids definetely use it for their acrobatic games! I got the spelling of exercise wrong in the sketch!

Siesta time

Siesta time, originally uploaded by swatihawaldar.

My son taking a nap after returning from school.There is also the chair in the background which has clothes over it all the time!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Salt 'n' pepper

Salt 'n' pepper, originally uploaded by swatihawaldar.

That is salt and pepper along with fennel seeds in a bottle. We use it as as a mouth freshener after eating a fried egg - sunny side up. That is why they are all put together in a tray! We had eggs for breakfast and it was lying on the table. So I decided to draw it.

Friday, December 10, 2010

spoon holder

spoon holder, originally uploaded by swatihawaldar.

This is a spoon holder sitting on the counter top in my kitchen.Presently it is holding a rice serving spoon(the one which looks like a hand),two tea strainers and a masher.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Dino and rattle

I put together two of my sons toys and came up with this. This is a plastic dinosaur and my son's first rattle. The dino is supposed to let a hot wheels toy car pass through it's mouth!

Monday, November 29, 2010

A new beginning

I have just started this blog inspired by' everyday matters' and Danny Gregory to share my drawings and art and thought the best way to begin would be to draw Danny Gregory. He is the reason why I decided to start this blog and draw everyday life. This does not even look like him to a great extent but so what? I want to silence my inner critic and enjoy and learn and create some wonderful memories.